I mean that literally, in every sense of the word brighter! Yesterday was not so bright. In a lot of ways. It was cold and dreary here, Walker gave me fits all day, I spent a good part of the afternoon in tears, thinking of jobs I could apply for, schools I could send Walker to, calculating ways I could just get away! If you've never been there, then don't judge me, just let me vent!
At the end of the day I was exhausted, done, finished. The kids ate pb&j for dinner, and were bathed and in bed as early as I could manage. I plopped down on the bed, so discouraged, thinking "I just can't do this anymore". Enter a full night of rest, and a little morning devotion--"cast all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you" 1 Peter 5:7.
ALL of my anxieties. The ones that don't have any eternal value, the ones that are temporary, the ones that brought me to tears, all of them. I have read that verse over and over. Even memorized it with Walker 3 weeks ago. But today I read it and applied it. Was today perfect? No way! Was today brighter? Yes! I just needed a reminder from Him that He is my constant, my hope, my joy. These little people are out to "cut me down wis swords" and "poke me in da eye". But He is faithful every day!
So all that to say, today has been much brighter! We ran a few errands, met some friends for lunch and even got a little play time outside. No tears or fits today...but I know, the day ain't over, right?
If you follow me on instagram, some of these pics aren't new.
Have you seen the picture of the lady with her boobs tucked into her pants? It could have started at an early age;)
Walker playing outside
driving (parked in driveway)
and picking his nose
Marlee had been carrying this tightly sealed jar of Vicks Vapor Rub around all day long. If Vicks wants to send us some free products, we will gladly accept!If I'm not the only one that has these days, I hope that 1 Peter 5:7 is a great reminder and encouragement to you, that you're not alone, He is there, always and forever. Hand your anxieties over and give Him the Glory. He does care for you!
WONDERFUL post! Had a few of these myself lately. Thank you for the reminder!