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Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Monday Worth Mentioning!

Mondays can be rough around here.  Usually the kids are a bit grouchy and tired from the weekend, and I am not always ready to begin the week either!  This past Monday was SO different though.  The weather was picture perfect, everyone was in a swell mood so we decide to take advantage of it!

Walker and I are working on the letter "B" this week, so we made our own bubble mixture and blew come BIG BUBBLES.  It was so much fun.  I really loved seeing all of his excitement over what he made!

 A bubble so big, he could see his entire reflection!

after lunch, we headed outside with our blanket and literally just played for about 2 hours.  I've never done this with my kids, usually have the day too planned-up or I just don't set-aside the time to relax with them outside.  It was A-mazing!  

Hollywood loves her glasses - about 10 seconds at a time! 

 we cuddled, wrestled, played, giggled, counted airplanes, threw a ball, crunched up leaved, smiled and really just soaked in the afternoon.  I don't know why I haven't done this more often because I received such a huge blessing from my kiddos on this Monday.
Walker was convinced that he was going to take a nap outside.  I convinced him that he could nap in his own bed, so he agreed to just "re-wax" on the blanket.
 these two really do love each other

 and I really love them too.
Here's to more Mondays where I soak in my blessings, and less Mondays where I take them for granted! 

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